My process is informed by the belief that art is a gift and an unfolding of the true self.

An ongoing theme in my work is the interconnectedness of all life and that the wellbeing of humanity is directly related to the health of our natural world. With living in the woods in Maine and traveling extensively I have had the gift of experiencing nature in many parts of the world. I strive to convey through color and brushwork what my direct experience is in a place.

My artistic approach starts with an emphasis on composition and palette and then becomes more fluid and intuitive as I move into the painting.

I draw inspiration from daily walks, the writings of contemporary mystic Richard Rohr, the scenes and people of Maine, my experience as a daughter of a Croatian immigrant, my travels, and the global art scene. I am also propelled to create by a constant gratitude for the chance to follow my first calling, art.

“My work comes from my heart and seeks to offer healing and hope. It is a vehicle to see strength and beauty in others, to appreciate the infinite wisdom of the earth, to work for justice and to promote love.”